Ripalta Guerina is located hinterland Cremona Lombardy Region. Its coordinates are: Latitude 45.30591 and longitude 9.70522 by car Here you will find all the indications to reach Cremona by car coming from different cities From Milan, Malpensa Airport, Como and Switzerland: Follow the A1 motorway towards Bologna until Piacenza Sud. Take the A21 motorway direction Brescia - Cremona. Follow directions to the city center until Piazza Della Libertà. Coming from Verona, Brescia and Bergamo: Take the A21 motorway towards Torino until Cremona.
Follow directions to the city center until Piazza Della Libertà. Coming from Turin, Genoa, Pavia and Piacenza: Take the A21 motorway in the direction of Brescia until the exit of Cremona. Follow directions to the city center until Piazza Della Libertà. Coming from Rome, Ancona, Bologna: Take the A1 motorway towards Milan until Piacenza Sud. Take the A21 motorway in the direction of Brescia city until Cremona city Follow the signs for the city center until Piazza della Libertà